Eckart MUTHESIUS 1904-1989
Four-door ‘drum’ pedestal table from entrance hallway of the Manik Bagh, circa 1930.
Glass, laquered walnut and pear-wood and alpaca.
Model made in at least two examples shown in period photos of reception salon and entrance hallway of the Manik Bagh.
20.5 in.x 31.5 in.
Bibliography :
– «Palace of Raja : 1934 Style», Fortune, février 1934, p.66, pour une photographie d’époque.
– Reto Niggl, Eckart Mutheisus, The Maharaja Palace in Indore, 1930, Ed. Arnoldsche, Stuttgart, 1996, p.37.
– Reto Niggl, «Eckart Muthesius, India 1930-1939, Architecture- Design-Photography, 1999, Goethe Institute, p.56.
– «Le Palais du Maharadjah d’Indore», Ed. Galerie Doria, Paris, 2006, p.77.
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